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作者:云南成人高考  发布时间:2019-08-15 16:25:02  




  一、Phonetics (5 points)?Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

  第1题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项()。

  A. lamb

  B. bombing

  C. comb

  D. ambition


  第2题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项()。

  A. guilt

  B. build

  C. guide

  D. guitar


  第3题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项()。

  A. laugh

  B. weigh

  C. tough

  D. rough


  第4题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项()。

  A. theater

  B. threat

  C. thread

  D. treasure


  第5题单选 选出下面读音不同的选项()。

  A. grand

  B. gravity

  C. gratitude

  D. grateful


  二、Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)?Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

  第6题单选 There aren't many wild pandas __________ in the world today.

  A. live

  B. living

  C. to live

  D. lived


  参考解析:there be句型中已含有谓语动词,因此排除可在句中做谓语的live(选项A)和 lived(选项D)。动词+ing表示正在进行,to+动词表示将要进行。这里指活着的熊猫。本句句意是:现今世界上没有多少活着的野生大熊猫了。

  第7题单选 __________ I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the door.

  A. Before

  B. After

  C. When

  D. As


  参考解析:before在……之前;after在……之后;when意为“那时,然后”;as当……时候。 注意原句动词的时态。前句是过去时,后句是过去完成时。说明在前句动作还没有发生时,后句的动作已经发生了。本句句意是:我还没来得及说更多,Holmes已经朝门口冲过去了。

  第8题单选 Since you feel so strongly about this matter, you should make your views __________ to other committee members.

  A. know


  C.being known



  参考解析:句中的意思是“让你的观点众所周知”,即观点被人知道。make sth.done使某事 被做。动词的过去分词表示被动。本句句意是:既然你对这件事感觉如此强烈,就应当把你的看法告诉委员会的其他成员。

  第9题单选 They demanded that the government __________ all political prisoners in the next two days.

  A. free

  B. freed

  C. will free

  D. would free


  参考解析:一些表示命令、建议、要求等的动词在主句中做谓语时,其宾语从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟语气should do。should可省略,只用动词原型。本句句意是:他们要求政府在两天内释放所有政治犯。

  第10题单选 Nelson is a creative liar who is always making __________ unusual excuses for not doing his work.

  A. across

  B. away

  C. off

  D. up


  参考解析:make across没有这个搭配,make away意为“离去,逃走”;make off意为“离开,逃走”;make up意为“补偿,虚构”。本句句意是:Nelson是一个有创意的骗子,他总能为自己不干活儿编出非同一般的借口。

  第11题单选 -- I didn't go to class last night because my car broke down.

  -- You __________ mine. I wasn't using it.

  A. could borrow

  B. may borrow

  C. could have borrowed

  D. may have borrowed


  参考解析:从第一句可知事情已经发生,对于已经发生的事情的推测应用情态动词的过去式 +have done,意为“过去本可以做的事却没做”。本句句意是:——昨天晚上我没去上课,因为我的车坏了。——你本可以借我的车,我没用车。

  第12题单选 In our view, the root __________ of the crime problem is poverty and unemployment.

  A. solution





  第13题单选 There are __________ fewer custom tailors and dressmakers in the U. S. than in European countries.






  第14题单选 In the first semester, I asked my teacher __________.

  A.what courses should I take

  B.what courses I should take

  C.I should take what courses

  D.should I take what courses


  第15题单选 After the party, we had to tidy up the kitchen, which was a(n) __________ mess.

  A. exact

  B. entire

  C. definite

  D. complete


  第16题单选 Their experiment __________, Tom and Mary set out to write the report on the results.


  B.to be done

  C.being done

  D.will be done


  第17题单选 A newspaper headline concerning new energy development __________ his attention and he was much interested in making investment in it.

  A. gave

  B. caught

  C. turned

  D. paid


  第18题单选 Would you please let me finish my words? Don't __________ in the middle of a sentence.

  A. put me off

  B. cut me off

  C. keep me off

  D. get me off


  参考解析:give one’s attention to意为“注意”;pay attention to意为“留心,关心”:catch one,s attention意为“吸引某人的注意力”;turn one’s attention to意为“把某人的注意 力转向……”。根据后半句:他被某事吸引才有兴趣做某事。本句句意是:有关新能源开发的新闻标题吸引了他的注意,他有意在这方面投资。

  第19题单选 Would you please let me finish my words? Don't __________ in the middle of a sentence.

  A. put me off

  B. cut me off

  C. keep me off

  D. get me off


  参考解析:put sb.ofr意为“使分心”;cut sb.off意为“打断某人的话”;keep sb.off意为“不让接近”;get sb.off意为“离开,帮助某人免受处罚”。根据句子结尾:说话中间,可以判断句子的中心意思是说话时被人打断。本句句意是:你让我说完好吗? 不要打断我的话。

  第20题单选 -- Have you ever played bridge?

  -- Yes. We__________ on weekends when I was in college.

  A. would have played

  B. should have played

  C. used to play

  D. had played


  参考解析:used to do表示过去常常做某事,现在可能不做了。周末是复数,说明每个周末 都玩儿。“上大学时”表示过去发生的事。本句句意是:——你玩儿过桥牌吗? ——玩儿过。上大学时我们常在周末打桥牌。

  三、Cloze (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

  Scientists have been struggling to find out the reason behind blushing (脸红). Why would

  humans evolve(进化) a 21__________ that puts us at a social disadvantage by 22__________ us to reveal that we have cheated or lied?

  Charles Darwin pointed out that 23__________ all people of all races blush,animals do not. When it came to explaining the reason, he was 24 __________ a loss. That has not stopped others from trying.

  One 25 __________ is that blushing started out as a way to show we obey authoritative members of the group. Later, as our social interactions became 26__________ complex, it became involved with higher, self-conscious 27__________ such as guilt, shame and embarrassment. This would seem to put individuals at a disadvantage,but blushing might actually make a person more 28 __________ or socially desirable.

  29__________ that women blush more than men,one university researcher suggests that blushing might have evolved as a way for women to 30__________ their honesty to men so as to win their support in raising children. Some zoologists also think blushing could have emerged as a way to foster trust. " If you were to go hunting 31__________ a stone-faced partner,you could never 32__________ what he wants. “he says.

  Once blushing became 33 __________ with embarrassment, anyone who did not blush might have been at a disadvantage because we are 34 __________ likely to trust someone who appears never to feel 35 __________ about anything.

  第21题单选 填入(21)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. response

  B. reply

  C. reflection

  D. recall



  第22题单选 填入(22)处的最佳答案是()。ding

  B. forcing

  C. encouraging

  D. preventing



  第23题单选 填入(23)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. when

  B. while

  C. since

  D. because


  参考解析:这里引用达尔文所说的话。when和while都表示“当……时候”的意思,但while 有“与……相反”的意思,翻译成“然而,却”。since和because表示原因。根据上下文,这里是说人类与动物不一样,人类会脸红,而动物却不脸红。应选择表示相反的词。

  第24题单选 填入(24)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. on

  B. in

  C. at

  D. of


  参考解析:at a loss是固定词组,表示茫然。这部分是说,达尔文指出人类会脸红而动物不会的时候也是茫然的,说不出其原因。

  第25题单选 填入(25)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. suggestion

  B. advice

  C. solution

  D. question



  第26题单选 填入(26)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. apparently

  B. completely

  C. awkwardly

  D. increasingly



  第27题单选 填入(27)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. moods

  B. senses

  C. emotions

  D. tempers



  第28题单选 填入(28)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. privileged

  B. embarrassed

  C. energetic

  D. attractive


  参考解析:privileged意为“享有特权的”;embarrassment意为“尴尬”;energetic意为“充 满活力的”;attractive意为“有吸引力的”。根据原文空格后的“or socially desirable(社交上更合适)”判断,attractive(有吸引力的)最恰当:人类的脸红可能使 人更具有吸引力或者说社交上更合适。

  第29题单选 填入(29)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. Noting

  B. Providing

  C. Assuming

  D. Hoping



  第30题单选 填入(30)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. assure

  B. approve

  C. confirm

  D. demonstrate



  第31题单选 填入(31)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. for

  B. with

  C. by

  D. as



  第32题单选 填入(32)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. say

  B. speak

  C. tell

  D. talk


  参考解析:C say意为“说”;speak意为“发言”;tell意为“告诉”;talk意为“谈话”。根据原文,可直接排除speak和talk。say和tell的区别是,say表示所说的内容,通常陈述说者原话,tell把信息传达给别人。根据原文,你根本不知道他要什么。

  第33题单选 填入(33)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. united

  B. related

  C. contacted

  D. associated


  参考解析:united意为“一致的,统一的”;related意为“有关系的”;contact with意为“ 与……联系/接触”;associate with意为“与……相联系”,根据原文,一旦脸红与尴尬联系在一起,……

  第34题单选 填入(34)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. more

  B. that

  C. less

  D. so


  第35题单选 填入(35)处的最佳答案是()。

  A. ashamed

  B. disappointed

  C. satisfied

  D. pleased


  参考解析:C、A最后一句话两个空连起来分析,先分析后者。全文试图分析人类脸红的原因。人类脸红也是自我意识情感的反映,诸如内疚、羞愧、尴尬等等。所以,如果有人从不感到羞耻,那我们可能很少会相信这个人。less likely to trust很少会相信。

  四、Reading Comprehension (75 points)Directions: There are four reading passages in this part.Each passage is followed by five questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ.

  June came and the hay (干草) was almost ready for cutting. On Midsummer's Eve, which was a Saturday, Mr. Jones went into Willington and got so drunk at the Red Lion that he did not come back until midday on Sunday. His men had milked the cows in the early morning and then had gone out chatting without bothering to feed the animals. When Mr. Jones got back, he immediately went to sleep on the living-room sofa with the "News of the World" over his face. When evening came, the animals were still not fed. At last, they could stand no longer. One of the cows broke into the door of the storehouse with her horns and all the animals began to help themselves to the grains.

  It was just then that Mr. Jones woke up. The next moment he and his four men were in the storehouse with whips in their hands, whipping in all directions. This was more than the hungry animals would bear. Together, though nothing of the kind had been planned beforehand, they jumped upon their masters. Mr. Jones and his men suddenly found themselves being struck with the horns and kicked from all sides. The situation was quite out Of their control. They had never seen these animals act like this before. This sudden rebellion of the creatures, which they were used

  to beating and whipping just as they chose, frightened them. After only a moment or two, they gave up trying to defend themselves. A minute later all five of them were in full fright down the road with the animals running after them joyfully.

  第36题单选 The four men did not feed the cows because __________.

  A. they had not cut the hay yet

  B. M Jones wasn't at home

  C. they did not have time to feed them

  D. the cows had fed themselves



  第37题单选 The cows broke into the storehouse because __________.

  A. they did not like their masters

  B. M Jones forgot to lock the door

  C. they were kept in the cow-house too long

  D. they were too hungry to wait for the feed



  第38题单选 What the five men finally do with the cows?

  A. They chased and drove the cows awa

  B. They continued beating the cow

  C. They gave up the defense and ran awa

  D. They gave in and fed the cow



  第39题单选 We can learn from the passage that __________.

  A. the cows often ran out to look for food

  B. the cows often had fights with their masters

  C. M Jones and his men often beat the cows

  D. M Jones and his men often forgot to feed the cows



  It was sunrise on an August morning when the captain and his crew cast their nets some 50 miles south of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. As the net was pulled over, the contents were poured out followed by excited cries of "Coins! Coins!

  " The fishermen quickly realized they had realized a fishermen's dream: sunken treasure! And not just any treasure, but early American silver dollars that had gone down 210 years earlier.

  In 1784, at the end of the American Revolutionary War, a heavily armed ship was bund for the port of New Orleans. On board was a fortune in Spanish Silver Dollars. Hundreds of thousands of them were loaded for the trip to New Orleans, yet not a single one arrived. With no survivors from the ill-fated voyage, historians can only guess at what happened. Some say powerful storms took her down while others speculate it was treasure-hungry pirates (海盗) . Whatever happened, the secret -- along with a treasure valued near $100,000,000 in today's dollars -- was sent to a watery grave some 300 feet below the ocean's surface.

  Spanish Silver Dollars were the favorite coins of colonial Americans. Widely used and accepted as payment in the thirteen colonies, the United States government gave them the status of official legal tender. Unfortunately, even though they were struck in large quantities, not many of them survive today. After the Civil War, the government withdrew them from circulation and they were melted down.

  Due to the historic discovery of the treasure, GovMint.com is releasing these coins to the public for an amazingly low price. For a limited time, these authentic silver dollars are priced at$49 plus shipping and handling -- a dramatic reduction from the market price of this coin anywhere else worldwide.

  第40题单选 What surprised the fishermen on an August morning?

  A. Their net contained a big strange-looking fish.

  B. They found the treasure sunken 210 years ago.

  C. They found some pieces of a sunken ship in the net.

  D. Their net suddenly got caught by something deep in the water.



  第41题单选 What happened to the ship heading for New Orleans in 1784?

  A. Loaded with too much cargo, it hit on the rock

  B. Robbed by pirates, it lost $100,000,000's worth of good

  C. It disappeared but nobody knew exactly what had happene

  D. It was caught in a terrible Storm and went down into the ocea



  第42题单选 What do we know about "Spanish Silver Dollars"?

  A. Today one coin equals to 49 dollars in the world marke

  B. They were widely used in America after the Civil Wa

  C. Issued in small amounts, not many of them surviv

  D. They were officially accepted in the 13 colonie



  第43题单选 In which section of a magazine would you probably find this article?

  A. Sports

  B. Housing

  C. History

  D. Fashion



  The environment affects the way people interact. To examine this conclusion, two researchers "decorated" three rooms. One room was refurnished to look ugly. The second room was intended to look average. The third room was designed to be beautiful. Individuals were then asked to sit in one of the three rooms and rate several pictures of people's faces. The results indicated that the environment has a significant effect on the way people rated the faces. Subjects in the beautiful room gave the pictures higher rates than did subjects in the ugly room. In addition, subjects in the ugly room found the task more unpleasant and boring than did subjects in the beautiful room. Subjects assigned to the ugly room attempted to leave sooner than did subjects assigned to the beautiful room. Color is one environmental factor that can affect your mood and even your ability to concentrate. One researcher concluded that the most pleasant colors, listed in order of preference, were blue, green, purple, red and yellow. The colors listed from most to least arousing were red, orange, yellow, violet, blue and green.

  Lighting also affects behavior. Elegant restaurants with dim lighting create a mood of intimacy (亲密) that encourages conversation. The bright lights of an office or a classroom, on the other hand, arouse and stimulate thinking.

  Room decoration, color, lighting, and even music and temperature all influence communication with others; but there is no all-purpose environment. The ideal environment depends on the task that will be performed as well as on the needs and expectations of those present. The same environmental factors that encourage lively conversation and dancing at a New Year's Eve party cannot be expected to create a serene climate in which to study for final exams.

  第44题单选 Paragraph 1 shows that subjects in the ugly room tend to be __.

  A. less patient

  B. less considerate

  C. more enthusiastic

  D. more confident



  第45题单选 Which color is the most helpful for keeping a good mood?

  A. Gree

  B. Blu

  C. Orang

  D. Re



  第46题单选 What effect can dim lights of an eating environment bring about?

  A. Arousing active thinkin

  B. Improving work efficienc

  C. Creating a tense atmospher

  D. Stimulating talks among peopl



  第47题单选 The underlined word "serene" in the last sentence is closed in meaning to __

  A. serious and grave

  B. calm and peaceful

  C. pleasant and friendly

  D. cold and indifferent



  There is nothing more possible than a new hip or knee that can put the spring back in your step. Patients receiving joint implants (移植) often are able to resume many of the physical activities they love, even those as vigorous as tennis and hiking. No wonder, then, that joint replacement is growing in popularity.

  In the United States in 2007, surgeons performed about 806,000 hip and knee implants (the joints most commonly replaced), double the number of performed a decade earlier. Though these procedures have become routine, they are not failure free.

  "Implants must sometimes be replaced," said Dr. Henrik Malchau, an orthopedic surgeon (矫正外科医生) at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. A study published in 2007 found that 7 percent of hips implanted in Medicare patients had to be replaced within seven and a half years.

  "The percentage may sound low, but the finding suggests that thousands of hip patients eventually require a second operation," said Dr. Malchau. Those patients must endure additional recoveries, often painful, and increased medical expenses.

  The failure rate should be lower, many experts agree. Sweden, for instance, has a failure rate estimated to be a third of that in the United States. Sweden also has a national joint replacement registry, a database of information from which surgeons can learn how and why certain procedures go wrong. A registry also helps surgeons learn quickly whether a specific type of implant is particularly problematic. "Even country that has developed a registry has been able to reduce failure rates significantly," said Dr. Daniel Berry, chief of orthopedic surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

  A newly formed American Joint Replacement Registry will begin gathering data from hospitals in the next 12 to 18 months. It's good news for those who are considering replacing a knee or hip.

  第48题单选 What is the problem with hip or knee replacement in the U.S.?

  A. A lot of patients need a second operatio

  B. Doctors are not well trained to ensure successful operatio

  C. Demands for hip replacement exceed the number of surgeon

  D. Replacement operation is becoming too expensive in hospital


  参考解析:这是有关美国医学膝盖和髋骨移植的问题。第四段。数以千计的髋骨移植病人需 要做第二次手术,这增加了病人的痛苦和费用。选项A是正确的。选项B和C文中没有提及。选项D是错的,文中并未说手术本身涨价,而是说二次手术使病人多付一次手术的费用。

  第49题单选 Why does Sweden have a lower rate of hip implant failure?

  A. Because Sweden has more advanced technolog

  B. Because Sweden has a patient data collecting syste

  C. Because Sweden has a much larger number of patient

  D. Because Swedish doctors are more responsible and skillfu


  第50题单选 People who need a new knee or hip would possibly feel __ about data gathering in the U.S.

  A. indifferent

  B. assured

  C. puzzled

  D. hopeful



  第51题单选 People who need a new knee or hip would possibly feel __ about data gathering in the U.S.

  A. indifferent

  B. assured

  C. puzzled

  D. hopeful



  The Saturday Evening Post "became symbolic of the reading fare of middle-class America". In 1897 Curtis began to revive (重振) the Post on the proposition that a man's chief interest in life is the fight for livelihood -- business. Fiction and articles about romantic business and successful businessmen filled its pages, and products backed by its advertisements directed at the needs and desires of the business world. The general interest weekly reached new audiences. Its conservative viewpoint and strong admiration for material success appealed to the tastes of the millions who settled in an easy chair with it each Thursday evening. As a more commercial, mass-circulation magazine than The New Yorker, the widely readable Post set out to interpret America to itself.

  As a national and international institution, The Saturday Evening Post made its mark in the lives of massive numbers of men and women, and served society as a stabilizing influence. Its editorial matter addressed the problems and interests of the readers as never before. Neither highbrow nor lowbrow, the Post set out to interpret average middle-class America, for that was its audience. However, this magazine lost touch with the mood of the American people in the 1930s. The Post's editor Lorimer, opposed Roosevelt and the New Deal and changed his magazine from an organ of entertainment and enlightenment into a weapon of political warfare. He believed that in opposing the New Deal he had spoken for the majority of voters, but the 1936 election proved him wrong. His conservatism extended beyond politics, it dominated the magazine's content and style causing a decline in reputation and authority. The Post met its greatest success when it went beyond the tastes of the masses, challenging its readers to acknowledge the genius of contributors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and William Faulkner. It was later reformed in an effort to fulfill its responsibility to awaken lethargic (昏昏欲睡的)America, however, The Saturday Evening Post seemed to play to conventions while The New Yorker took off to redefine the character of American Humor.

  第52题单选 According to Paragraph 1, who are primarily the readers of the Post?

  A. Businessmen.

  B. College students.

  C. Housewives.

  D. Politicians.



  第53题单选 What is the earliest time that readers can read the Post every week?

  A. Monda

  B. Thursda

  C. Saturda

  D. Sunda



  第54题单选 Why did the Post lose much of its audience in the 1930s?

  A. Because it changed its original Style and was heavily involved in politic

  B. Because readers couldn't afford a newspaper because of the Depressio

  C. Because the new editor was not interested in Roosevelt's politic

  D. Because it failed to absorb sufficient advertisement



  第55题单选 What makes the Post so commercially successful?

  A. Presenting American style humo

  B. Sticking to the tastes of the middle-clas

  C. Carrying articles and novels by local writer

  D. Staying in close contact with the business worl



  五、Daily Conversation(10 points)Directions:Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


  A. When do you need it

  B. Do you have any available

  C. What do you mean

  D. May I come over tomorrow to take a look

  E. Can I leave a message

  F. Can you give me the details about it

  G. that's probably it

  H. that's exactly what you want

  Sarah: Hello. I'm calling to rent an apartment you advertised.

  Manager: Yes. What kind of apartment are you interested in?

  Sarah: I' m interested in a one-bedroom apartment. 56__________?

  Manager: Yes, I have one. 57__________?

  Sarah: Sometime around next week. 58__________ ?

  Manager: Well, it's a one-bedroom apartment. The monthly rent is $650, with a $300 security

  deposit. You pay electricity only. Gas and water is included. You can use a sheltered parking space at no extra charge. And ... __________59

  Sarah: Sounds good. 60__________?

  Manager: Sure. See you tomorrow then.

  第56题简答 填入(56)处的最佳答案是()。


  第57题简答 填入(57)处的最佳答案是()。


  第58题简答 填入(58)处的最佳答案是()。


  第59题简答 填入(59)处的最佳答案是()。


  第60题简答 填入(60)处的最佳答案是()。


  六、Writing(25 points)Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write a notice in about 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to writer it clearly.

  第61题 请以低碳生活(a low carbon life)为主题写一篇100-120词的短文,内容包括:















